Body therapies improve circulation, decrease blood pressure, cleanse the lymph system, relieve stress, relieve pain, relax your mind and body, and more.

Image: Dreaming in the deep south
The body therapies available are:
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Without fail I have always finished a session with Karen feeling far better than at the start – more tuned into the important elements of my life. ~ B.G.
Massage therapy
Have you ever had a massage and walked away feeling as bad or worse than you did beforehand?
If you did, that’s because your body was treated but your energy wasn’t.
Massage is incredibly therapeutic. But clarifying your energy first, leads to the most beneficial and lasting results. So, each session of massage with Karen begins with energy work.
By clearing any congested or blocked energy, your channels open. They’re then able to move energy freely through your system, relaxing your mind and body. Think of it as an internal massage.
The external massage is a simple and final stimulus for release because it’s applied to an area where energy is flowing freely.
Your issue has been addressed on the inside and outside, and all that’s needed now is a lovely stretch. Karen incorporates stretching with massage to ensure you gain the best results.
Sports therapy
We all require balance. And those who have a strong physical orientation often can be a little obsessed. We’re all more than our bodies, and we all need relaxation. Even sports people.
In sports therapy sessions with Karen, relaxation and stretching are used as well as massage.
Stretching is used to promote tissue recovery and to restore and maintain healthy tissue. It breaks down adhesions, releases tension and restores muscle length.
The relaxation is directed at the mind, which in turn relaxes the body.
Karen also uses energy work. It’s as essential as the massage. And if you have an injury, energy blockages will definitely be present.
You’ll gain great results from the combination of relaxation, energy clearing, massage and stretching.
Lymphatic drainage
As the lymph system has no pump, our bodies require frequent movement to clear pollutants.
Many people live sedentary lives working in offices. Gym workouts alone don’t really give you enough exercise. And what are you eating? Because your diet is important, too.
The combination of air-conditioning, too little exercise and a poor diet, sadly leads to a build up of toxins in the body.
Frequent sickness is the result.
If you’re experiencing, colds, flu, hayfever or asthma, a session of lymphatic drainage, and Reiki will be beneficial.
For more serious chest conditions such as bronchitis, asthma attacks (brought about by infection, allergy or physical stimulus), or even pneumonia, Karen has found that combining lymphatic drainage, acupressure and Reiki offers miraculous relief.
Stretch sessions
People are often unaware of how important stretching is for good health.
Most people, nowadays, spend their time and energy working out and consider this to be taking good care of themselves.
Few realise that stretching is the cornerstone of a balanced physical regime.
The optimal physical experience is to feel relaxed and strong in your body, with a full range of movement.
And stretching is the secret.
Just ask any dancer, gymnast or martial artist.
So if you’d like to improve your flexibility, and you’d like stretches tailored to your needs, ask Karen for a private stretch session.
[Karen] possesses a thorough understanding of human physiology, complemented by her acute insight into human behavior and its effect on the physical and emotional health of her clients. ~ A. O’Connell, Colinton