It’s easy for people to make the assumption that psychic awareness and spirituality are the same thing.
On many occasions I’ve heard people discuss readings they have sought and received, automatically presuming them to be spiritual in nature.
But there is a world of difference between psychic awareness — the ability to perceive impressions — and the universal truths pursued in committed spiritual practices.
And whilst the two aren’t mutually exclusive, they don’t necessarily go hand in hand.
The use of readings to obtain information regarding our path can be enlightening, emotionally relieving — even healing.
But to confuse this with the important motivation of the pursuit of truth, wisdom and love within a spiritual practice, would be misguided.
Although it is a natural graduation from spiritual dedication and practice to psychic awakening, without a strong spiritual foundation, psychic abilities can be misused.
A pure intent and an elevated quality of thoughts and energy are desirable when consulting a psychic medium for a reading. These qualities lend a level of purity to the experience and ensure the appropriateness of the information which is brought through by the medium.
Be sure the psychic you seek is acting for your highest good
Many people seeking readings seem to believe that because someone has access to another realm that this means they’re also in possession of healthy and respectful boundaries where others are concerned.
In fact, it’s an ability to move past certain boundaries that makes this realm open and available to us.
To accept fully the responsibility of a reading where the emphasis is spiritual, healthy boundaries are not only necessary, they’re essential for the safety of all those participating.
And whilst most caring mediums act with this in mind, boundaries are certainly not an essential pre-requisite for those possessing this gift.
For psychic impressions to have truly healing benefits — for mediums and recipients alike — it is preferable that respectful boundaries and purifying practices be observed.
It seems to be a very common misconception, regarding the use of psychic mediums and their abilities in general, that ‘the highest good of all’ is always the motivation for those who offer readings.
It’s often taken for granted.
But it’s frequently not the case.
Having these particular capabilities doesn’t ensure their loving, responsible and safe use. Whilst many mediums are respectful, loving and caring in how they share what they know, there are those who possess an obvious lack of respect for others, their boundaries and their privacy.
Ego or higher self — how can you tell?
Knowing something others may not know, doesn’t give us an automatic right or responsibility to share that information. Even if we’re sharing it with the person it’s intended for.
Without their express permission, sharing that information robs others of the choice to decide for themselves whether they want to know it or not.
Obviously not a respectful or spiritual approach to take.
And whilst it may not be an intended disrespect, it’s disrespectful just the same.
When offering help to others in the form of psychic readings, it’s ideal that the medium be operating from the highest spiritual perspective.
Unfortunately, there are mediums who read others without their consent or who encourage the dependence of others through their excessive availability.
Invading someone’s privacy by reading them without consent breaches mental, etheric and emotional boundaries. It shows a lack of concern for the damage this may cause, and suggests an active ego is at work.
At the very least it suggests either a lack of knowledge about subtle energy dynamics or a flagrant disregard for them.
It also displays a level of emotional immaturity undesirable in someone offering this form of help.
Instead of assisting the person they’re reading, they may be setting up co-dependent dynamics with them.
Co-dependency, or the need to be needed, establishes a power dynamic between the two parties, which weakens one by making the other appear superior or more knowing in some way.
And in this instance, simply serves to inflate the medium’s ego.
The recipient of this helpful gesture is now in possession of uninvited assistance, in the form of unrequested information.
They’re left to deal with whatever repercussions may ensue whether they like it or not.
And if the medium makes himself or herself easily available to help sort through any subsequent issues which may arise, an unhealthy relationship of dependence may result.
Being too available to those who need to build self-reliance, or imposing univited assistance on those who haven’t requested it, certainly isn’t reflective of someone possessing healthy boundaries or spiritual wisdom.
Yet often, honest people looking for direction accept this forward behaviour as being spiritually motivated.
Psychic abilities transformed through spiritual awareness
Giving readings to others, if in observance with spiritual principles, can be a truly healing tool. When a reading reflects the qualities of love, wisdom and respect, then we know we’re receiving information of the highest quality.
And for a reading to be really life-changing, an attitude of reverence and respect is required by all involved.
When spirit is called upon, it’s important to take an attitude which offers the same deference, respect and admiration that we’d give to a wise sage if they were here with us in person.
If, for instance, Mother Theresa or Ghandi were to knock on the door, it’s likely that most of us would want them to know that we hold them in the highest regard. We would want them to see and feel our respect, gratitude and love.
It‘s the same when it comes to the advanced Beings of Light we consult in spirit. They, like Mother Theresa and Ghandi, are also in service to God.
So it’s only fitting that we offer them the same deference and respect for their wisdom and devoted service.
Readings are an opportunity for us to feel the power and grace of spirit’s presence. But we can only experience this in its higher forms when we act from a place of integrity, clarity and pure intent.
It’s important to consider this when choosing a medium to give you a reading.
Pure energy and pure intent ensure your safety during a reading
The quality of a medium’s energy is a mirror of their thoughts, beliefs and behaviours.
Through regular prayer and meditation, as well as refraining from intoxicants and other energy-lowering substances or activites, a medium’s energy is purified and clarified.
And access to a higher frequency of energy and spirit is ensured.
If not, their energy will be of a lower vibration and their ability to connect in the higher realms of spirit will be impaired.
For example, very few people would feel comfortable receiving lessons in hygiene from someone who, quite obviously, doesn’t bathe or change their clothes regularly.
Most people would consult someone with impeccable hygiene and grooming.
But when it comes to our energy, because most people can’t see it, they don’t always realise that they may be taking guidance from someone who hasn’t yet achieved certain levels of awareness, purity or clarity.
I’ve heard on numerous occasions, people say: ‘It’s the intention that’s most important.’
To some degree I feel this is true.
However, when it’s used to excuse a medium’s carelessness or lack of self-discipline then it’s saying: ‘near enough is good enough.’
And if someone’s mental, emotional or etheric health is put at risk — in any way — then of course, near enough is absolutely not good enough.
When a medium offers readings but:
- hasn’t dealt with their own addictions
- isn’t careful about how and when they offer readings
- or simply thinks it’s alright to say whatever it is they perceive, without consideration for the person the information pertains to
then the medium’s intention becomes irrelevant.
In this instance, the underlying intention isn’t one which embraces a desire for respect, discipline, or the attainment of a higher quality of experience.
The medium hasn’t offered the best of themselves to the other, because they don’t offer the best of themselves to themselves.
Until they learn to do this, they’re not really ready to give spiritual guidance to others, as self-discipline is the foundation for the practice of any other discipline.
Have a pure intent when you’re asking for guidance, and trust your own feelings about a reading
There are many levels of consciousness operating in this world and in spirit, from the very base to the more subtle, loving and powerful.
Because of this, there are many levels of awareness available for mediums to access.
So it’s important to trust yourself and your feelings when choosing someone to read for you.
After receiving a reading, it’s ideal for you to leave feeling:
- clear
- hopeful
- stronger
- better able to cope with the challenges of life.
And if you do experience these uplifting and fortifying results, it’s likely you’ve found someone you can turn to and work together with for your highest good.
When conducted from a place of love and respect, a reading has the potential to change your life forever.
Somtimes, however, even given the best circumstances, someone may not really want to know the truth.
They may ask to know it.
But they may not want to see that they need to grow or change.
Or they may only want to be told what they would like to hear.
That’s Okay.
They may not have really been ready for a truthful reading, or they may have chosen someone who wasn’t a good fit for them.
Deciding you’re ready for a reading and finding the right person to read for you, is an important growth in self-respect in its own right.
But for most, these positive responses to a reading are a clear gauge for whether or not a higher quality of reading has been achieved.
Readings can definitely be a spiritual experience for us, and if you would like to know that kind of clarity, this blessing is for you:
May you find the perfect person to read for you
And may grace and clarity be the outcome.
With all my love
Karen x
Read more about Karen’s approach to giving readings
Image credit: Shootingsnow
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