Any form of energy treatment is like a breath of fresh air for your mind and body.
By stimulating or calming your energy, you’re able to balance mental, emotional and physical functions.

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And if you’re feeling wound up, an energy treatment can leave you in a lovely state of balance and calm.
There are a number of energy systems operating in our bodies (bio-energetic systems).
The 7 chakras are like computers. They take in and put out information related to seven main aspects of life.
Polarity channels are magnetic in nature, and operate through positive and negative flow.
The meridian system comprises 14 channels of energy relating to our internal organs.
And reflexes are energy power points distributed throughout our body.
Karen offers treatments for each of the body’s energy systems:
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[Karen] heals on all levels — physical, mental and spiritual — which leaves you feeling whole and ready to face all life’s challenges with ease. ~ M. Clark, Albury
Energy healing, balancing and reading
Energy healing, balancing and reading is the by-product of working with the different bio-energetic systems.
Combining various approaches, these treatments assist you to attain clarity at the bio-energetic and mind levels.
While in a deeply focused state, a natural and graceful dance begins, which enables Karen to mobilise, clear, balance and understand the subtle energies you emanate.
An energy reading occurs when Karen shares with you her interpretation of what she observed and addressed in your session.
Polarity treatment
Like a magnet, various aspects of your energy operate through polarity (opposing forces).
For example, the Yin and Yang of Chinese medicine and martial arts philosophy, the Ida and Pin gala of Yogic practices, and the Positive and Negative charges of the Polarity channels.
By maintaining a clear and harmonious flow between these poles, you enhance and clarify your mind-body relationship.
Karen takes a completely intuitive approach to acupressure for mobilising energy through the meridians in the body.
Karen believes that intellectualising this process can limit or even restrict the potential outcome.
Reflexes exist throughout the body. They’re like little buttons which can be pressed to stimulate or calm your organs. They’re go-to points which easily and effectively activate energy to get things moving.
Reflexology is a wonderful service for your organs and bio-energetic system.
It’s very relaxing and enjoyable, and a foot session — very pampering!
Karen has provided me with the support and encouragement I need to address successfully my chronic health issues: I recommend Karen and her work unreservedly. ~ A. O’Connell, Colinton