Over the years I’ve practised as a therapist, I’ve been filled with many moments of grace.
The Angels — who I actively invoke every day, and who’s guidance I request with every encounter — have repeatedly given me visions and insights for those I’m assisting, as well as enlightened me about what’s taking place as I engage people.
I’ve been guided to particular books in related fields where the message contained is consistent with what I’ve been shown by the Angels in my own work.
I’ve had the experience where I’ll begin to use some new technique, totally intuitively, only to discover it belongs to a whole modality of its own.
It’s not uncommon for me, before I embark on any new form of study or practice, to start to see, think or feel new experiences that support or reflect fully the new material.
In this way, grace is active in guiding me — without any fear on my part — to every new experience and encounter in my life and in my work.
The Angels ensure that, if I’m doubting something, they provide me with confirmations — which take various forms — to reassure me and encourage me in that direction.
It never ceases to surprise and amaze me. And, even after all these years, I still feel the excitement of a child when the Angels make their presence known to me.
And you can experience the Angels, too.
Through meditation, invocation and surrender, you can cross the bridge, which leads from this world into Spirit.
Allow the Angels to guide you
We all have the opportunity to align with the Angels, who move our lives in positive directions. For us to experience their power and grace, we need to keep in our awareness the intention to respond to their energy above all other influences.
To become familiar with their energy, you can begin by inviting them into your life each day.
With this simple invitation, you’ll see and feel an immediate and uplifting change in the general flow of things.
I’m not only speaking from personal experience, but from the experiences of many people I’ve assisted in starting out on their spiritual path. They’re always amazed at how differently they feel — and how quickly.
The Angels know exactly what it is we need to be happy.
Fulfilment from our careers, creative activities and outlets, as well as our spirituality, form a balanced and harmonious existence for us to be able to enjoy being alive.
But it’s common for people to feel unfulfilled in their work, and in their lives in general. Fewer people seem to find joy or contentment in the choices they’re making for themselves.
Tune out to the world and tune into Spirit
Too many choices can create confusion and self doubt as we struggle with the smorgasbord of life. Too few people are willing to take the time and solitude required to delve deeply into who they are and what they actually want their lives to be.
They may be living their current life based on choices made long ago, which are now outdated and irrelevant to the person they’ve become because of the challenges life has presented them. Through the awareness we open as we focus more on Spirit, change is not only possible, but often immediate.
Invoking the Angels and other beings of Light, encapsulates you in a loving and comforting field of positive energy. And it ensures that your path will be fulfilling, challenging and, above all, loving. You can have faith in that!
Keeping your internal guidance system activated at all times, through your connection to Spirit, will build your confidence in yourself and your ability to create happy and loving moments in your day.
The more you tune into your internal guidance, the better able to perceive your Angels you become. And the more clearly you perceive your Angels, the more you’ll realise you’re never alone. With this sense of confidence and support you’ll become happier and more positive.
You’ll therefore align with grace.
With the Angels’ help, change is possible for everyone
I’ve watched many of my clients invite the Angels into their lives, stepping out of the rigid format of their schedules and into the spontaneous space of grace. The changes I’ve consistently observed are:
- clearer boundaries around what they don’t want
- congruence in their relationships with others, both personal and professional
- less anxiety and depression
- a broader view of what they see as possible for themselves
- and, most importantly, a smile which comes from their heart.
The changes required to make the transition from routine-based thinking to conscious living can create difficulties, and depends totally on the individual’s commitment. But, all those who have the courage for such a change, come to feel that they’re finally moving with life’s rhythm once more.
And to begin, all it takes is the simple act of surrender or invitation.
A very simple prayer of surrender is:
I will my will to Thy Will.
These words surrender our direction in life to God. The Angels and Holy Spirit respond with immediate urgency to such requests because of their service to God. They know that our co-creation with Him/Her is our only true opportunity for happiness.
An easy prayer of invitation is:
Loving Angels, please guide me now.
With either of these requests, the Angels will begin sending you messages in whatever form you’re best able to receive them, or wherever you happen to be looking for your answer. There are many paths to God, and the Angels know this.
They’re patiently waiting at all times for such invitations from us, and so respond with loving and immediate action.
All that’s required of you is that you pay attention.
Some ideas to get you started
Meditation is the most certain way of becoming familiar not only with your Angels but also with yourself. It develops within you the ability to be still, and listen. It’s just a small step then, from applying what you’ve learned in listening, to hearing answers from your Angels. There are many great meditation CDs available that will help ensure a positive experience for you.
There are, however, many people who are concerned that they’re unable to still their mind. So they believe they lack the skill required for meditation.
But really, the purpose of meditation is simply to develop the power of concentration, to become aware of the soul and to realign with God.
It’s about being in control of what your mind is doing, rather than it being in control of you.
So even simple practices such as focusing intently on what you’re doing this very moment are forms of meditation:
- I am making the tea. I am pouring the tea. I am stirring the tea.
- I am walking in the park. I am listening to leaves rustle. I am feeling the wind on my face.
These simple Zen techniques are ways of bringing conscious thought into your daily activities, and by doing so becoming more attuned to the frequency on which your Angels operate.
Deeper, more profound experiences in your meditation may be only a thought away.
So if you would like to receive a message from your Angels today, this blessing is for you:
May you stop, look and listen for guidance
And may you come to know the loving energy of your Angels.
With all my love and encouragement
Karen x
Image credit: the picture was taken in Japan by my brother, Mark.
Hey Karen
Beautiful words and lovely photo
Love Sarah
Hi Sarah, thank you for reading it. Karen
Dear Karen,
I know your words are true, as I have been in this space you speak of many times before, but I’m too easily distracted by earth life demands! A friend sent me this and I am grateful to her and you to assist in reminding me of what I must do to be true to my soul spirit! I have an enlightened granddaughter, who is now in Sedona living and growing her soul spirit and she is always being there reaching out to me as she knows I know I’m not living my spiritual life. She’s got her spiritual life interest from reading my spiritual books she was naturally drawn to, but she has stayed true to her soul! I speak to my Angels everyday and they answer my prayers all the time, but my prayers/requests are always for other’s! I will turn my requests to me to get me on track with my own soul spirit once again and prayerfully I will stay there this time! Thank you for your words reaching me today through my dear friend! Nameste!
Dear Joyce,
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my post.
In my experience God’s angels are with us always and will become quite overt in times of great need.
I know they are with you and guiding you now, as they are all of us.
Whether we are paying attention and heeding their guidance, or not.
If I could offer you a simple suggestion; commit to invoking the angels and holy spirit each morning and night for 2 weeks.
See what happens.
With love and blessings to you.
Good uplifting message
I like it.
Hi Julius, thank you.