Vegan sausage rolls, a vegan family favourite.
Live a graceful life
Nourish your spirit at Epicentre Healing Therapies, Canberra.
Experience a combination of spiritual, energy and body therapies, personalised for your needs.
Spiritual therapies restore natural order for your body, mind and spirit.
Energy therapies are a breath of fresh air for your mind and body.
Body therapies help you to develop a new awareness of your physical self.
Epicentre Healing Therapies also offers ways to help you fully open to and embrace your spirituality, and so connect with your true self.
Reiki and Seichim attunements for healing yourself and assisting others to heal.
Reiki and Seichim workshops for exploring healing energies and honing the use of them.
Readings to help when you feel you’ve lost clear awareness for yourself.
Spiritual counselling for a spiritual perspective of the issues you're facing in your life.
I saw a psychologist for years and felt I was getting nowhere, just rehashing the same stories. Karen has changed my life. Her spiritual guidance and healing has made me change the way I think, and the way I live. I could not go without my regular sessions, and she has empowered me to make my mental health a priority.
~ C. Bateman, Canberra
There was no way that [Karen] could possibly have known any of the information that she relayed to me other than through her 'gifts'. Her reading was extremely accurate and I could feel bodily sensations, such as tingling in my head at many times during the reading.
~ K.R., Canberra
Because Karen’s method focuses on connecting the mind and the body, I believe that once my mind found a state of calm, my body was able to follow.
~ Melissa
Without fail I have always finished a session with Karen feeling far better than at the start – more tuned into the important elements of my life.
~ B.G.
Gain insights into God, grace and spirituality with these articles, poems, stories and prayers from Karen Scott.
Be inspired and challenged by these articles and realisations about grace, spirituality and spiritual growth.
Nourish your spirit with this collection of poems about your innocent self and being at one with God.
Share in Karen's stories and reflections about grace, spirituality and her awakening to truth.
Living gracefully is about finding balance in the way we live, while being in harmony with other living beings.
Try these hearty and wholesome vegan recipes. They're easy to prepare, totally yummy and cruelty-free.
Vegan sausage rolls, a vegan family favourite.
Completely vegan chicken and cashew stir fry.
A yummy chickpea curry that you can have on the table in 15 minutes.
As a vegan, you can still enjoy a piece of caramel slice. This recipe uses soy condensed milk.
A clairsentient medium and therapist, Karen lives by the ethos: be true to yourself and the greater truths become evident ... more
Karen offers spiritual healing, readings, Reiki, Seichim, reflexology, acupressure, massage and relaxation treatments.
Read testimonials.
Looking for something more focused on massage, sports and remedial therapies? Visit Epicentre body therapies.