Prayer for a peaceful Christmas

Image: Rio Calle
Please be with me this Christmas.
Bring into my mind
Your blessings and Your Grace.
Through Your Light,
my mind is transformed.
The world is transformed.
Be with me during this
Christmas season.
Keep my mind focused
on the things of Spirit and
please, use me as Your instrument
to spread Your Light and Love
to this small part of the world.
To acquaintances, to friends
and, most especially, to my family
with whom I hold a sacred contract,
I give Your love.
Let me be the one who brings
Your peace, Your gentleness,
Your kindness.
Let each one I encounter
know that I’m with You and
You’re with me.
Please give us an experience
of Your Grace and Peace,
so that we may feel You
present this Christmas and always.
Thank You
© Karen Scott 2013
Prayer for Easter

Image: qthomasbower
Please be with me this Easter,
as I reflect on the Passion
and the Resurrection.
As I bring into my mind all those
that I love this Easter,
May I see all the places where I
resist that love.
Where I have judged or blamed another,
help me to see their innocence
and their full reflection of You.
I open my mind to receive You, dear God.
Let me hear the softness
of Your Voice within me,
so that a new understanding
of forgiveness fills my mind and heart.
May this and every Easter be
filled with true forgiveness;
And may Your Blessings and Your Love
Unify us all.
Thank You,
© Karen Scott 2015
Prayer to surrender a healing session

Image: Mayr
I release the outcome of this healing session
into Your Loving Hands.
Knowing that You are the Presence and
the Power, here and now.
Use me as Your instrument,
and imbue my mind with
the thoughts You would have me think,
the words You would have me say,
and the actions You would have me perform,
so Your truest healing miracles can occur.
Bless the one I’m assisting
and let nothing of my small self pass to them.
Let them only receive what You would have them receive,
and experience what You would have them experience;
for their healing, happiness and peace.
May they experience only You in me.
Thank You
© Karen Scott 2013
Prayer for a healing session

Image: AlicePopkorn
I ask You to be present
with me now.
Draw me close to You now.
Raise me up to be with You now.
Be with me during this healing session
and guide me in Your wisdom and Your Light.
I ask for my heart and mind to open,
so that all that takes place is of
the highest, most beautiful vibrations.
Bless me to do Your work here in this
moment so that all sorrow is removed
from myself and those I assist.
Let me be a full reflection
of Your most Radiant light,
so that all who are in my presence
see only You in me.
Thank You
© Karen Scott 2007
Prayer for remembrance

Image: tinyfroglet
Dear God,
Today I call upon Your Name
and on my own.
Knowing that calling upon Your Name
is calling on my own.
As I repeat Your Name, I invite angels
to surround the ground on which I stand.
To sing to me as they spread out
their wings, to keep me safe and
shelter me from every wordly thought
that would intrude on my holiness.
As I repeat Your Name
please remind me of who I AM,
and by doing so acknowledge Who You are;
sole Creator of reality.
Let Your Name become the
all-encompassing idea that
holds my mind completely.
Through remembrance of You,
may I achieve a state in which
I experience the gift of grace.
As I repeat Your Name please render
all little names meaningless,
all little things silent,
and little sounds soundless,
so that little things of the earth
With only Your Name remaining,
may I walk fully immersed
in thoughts of You today.
Thank You
A prayer created from the teachings of Lesson 183 in A Course in Miracles. © Karen Scott 2013
Prayer of Grace

Image: AlicePopkorn
I ask for Your Grace to move me,
compel me, embrace me,
and unfold me.
Like the petals of a delicate flower,
may I open and move
into new states of beauty and grace.
Through Your Grace and Power within me,
dear God, may Your Diamond Light
sparkle in my heart and mind today.
Thank You
© Karen Scott 2013
Prayer of gratitude

Image: Dluogs
Dear God,
Today I feel only love around me,
Nature’s beauty to astound me.
These are things I am grateful for,
Each of these things and so many more.
Birds as they twitter and sit on the eaves,
Leaves as they rustle, the warm summer breeze.
These are things I am grateful for,
Each of these things, and so many more.
The sun as it shines in the clear blue sky,
Soft white clouds as they drift by.
These are things I am grateful for,
Each of these things, and so many more.
Fresh, clear, water to drink and to swim,
Healthy nutrition, to eat on a whim.
These are the things I am grateful for,
Each of these things and so many more.
An indigo canvas of moon and of stars,
People to love and hold in my arms.
Each of these things and so many more,
Are some of the things I am grateful for.
Thank You,
© Karen Scott 2013
Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Image: Lady-bug
Dearest Holy Spirit,
I ask to receive You into
my heart and mind today.
I ask for You be with me
in all of my endeavours,
and to guide me with
Your knowledge and Your love.
Help me to see the Truth,
in the hearts and minds
of all those I meet.
And please place in my mind,
all that You would have me give,
for us to feel Your Presence
and Your Power.
I surrender myself fully
to Your service.
May I experience Your Peace,
Thank You, Holy Spirit.
© Karen Scott 2012
Prayer for joy

Image: Linh Ngan
Dear Lord,
May I learn my lessons
through joy today.
As I understand that the
experience of joy,
is the experience of You.
Remind me Lord, that lessons
need not be difficult,
and that learning can occur
happily and effortlessly,
With the help of the Holy Spirit.
May I enter into the knowing,
that as I choose joy,
I choose and honour You.
I give thanks for the awareness of You,
in my life today and always.
Thank You,
© Karen Scott 2012
Prayer to the Holy Mother

Image: Spirit-Fire
Silver Light
Attending Angel: Archangel Gabriel
Dearest Holy Mother,
Please help me to remember that You are my Mother.
Help me to remember that I am not alone.
Shower upon me Your loving Light,
and comfort me with Your merciful heart.
Teach me compassion for myself and all living things.
Teach me strength for myself and all living things.
Teach me respect for myself and all living things,
so that I can live in happiness and peace.
Please loving Mother, reach Your tender hand
down into my life today and make right
all that seems wrong.
Touch my mind with Your truth and wisdom so that
I can see these errors and correct them.
Walk with me today, please, and guide me on the
Path to Truth.
Loving Mother,
I entrust myself to Your care.
Thank You,
© Karen Scott 2007