You’re a soul in a body. So, the purpose of a spiritual therapy session is to identify and address discrepancies between your soul and its relationship to your body.
Spiritual therapies restore natural order.

Image: Spirit Fire
As a powerful and subtle being, your body reflects balance or dysfunction depending on whether or not you’re living in harmony with your soul’s true nature.
A spiritual therapy session addresses the cause of dysfunction at its source.
By receiving spiritual therapies, your soul energy is charged, purified and magnified. The soul is returned to its rightful place of pre-eminence leaving you feeling, lighter — like a weight has been lifted from you.
From this place of clarity and strength, you attain full and lasting release from blockages which stop you experiencing your true nature and making any necessary changes in your life.
By recognising the effects of harmful thoughts, attitudes and behaviours, you establish the basis for change at the soul level. You’re then able to reconnect with your soul’s original qualities of love, peace, wisdom and power.
Harmony, balance and wellbeing naturally result.
Karen offers:
- Angelic-light healing
- Reiki and Seichim therapy
- Spiritual healing and auric clearing
- Severing of soul ties
Read about Energy therapies | Body therapies
Did I have the courage for change? On my own — No. With Epicentre Healing Therapies — Yes … Karen has been insightful and caring with her guidance, which has resulted in the alignment of my emotional and spiritual life. ~ W.A., Farrer
Angelic-light healing
Angelic-light healing sessions occur when someone is ready for major transition in their life.
The healing comes through direct relationship with your angels. They imbue and charge all systems with their healing and clarifying light energy, while transmuting all impurities.
Karen is simply an instrument in this process.
Reiki and Seichim therapy
A Reiki and Seichim treatment is a wonderful platform to initiate ‘unlayering’. This process removes the built up congestion which obstructs you from connecting with your true self and purpose.
The treatments are incredibly calming and energising.
So, if you simply want to relax or relieve pain or stress on any level — body and soul — Reiki and Seichim sessions may be just what you need.
You can receive Reiki and Seichim with or without physical contact.
And there’s no need to undress.
That means, if you’re someone who’s uncomfortable with physical contact but in need of some healing, Reiki and Seichim would work well for you.
Not only are they an alternative therapy worth considering, they are two of the most powerful therapies available — powerful, relaxing and relieving.
Try them and decide for yourself.
* If you’re considering Reiki and Seichim attunement, Karen requires you’ve had a minimum of one Reiki and Seichim therapy session with her beforehand.
Spiritual healing and auric clearing
These tremendous sessions remove the unwanted information and obstructions which you carry long after the events which caused them are over.
This information — which sits in your auric field and chakras — is what causes you to keep attracting patterns which no longer serve you.
Removing this information allows you to reconnect deeply with yourself, as you’re no longer carrying old and outmoded programming. Instead, you’re free to align with your Divine purpose and stop replaying old patterns.
Please keep in mind, though, that Karma is Karma — some patterns are essential for your growth.
Severing of soul ties
Over the course of our lives, we develop many kinds of relationships. Some may feel expansive and uplifting while others can be negative, controlling or even oppressive.
But in every one of our relationships, we’re constantly exchanging energies with each other; establishing ties at a subtle level with the other person.
These subtle energies, when freely and lovingly exchanged, produce a positive infusion into our field. They offer all the positive and invigorating energies shared by the other, and often lead to a mutual positive experience.
But those of a lower frequency, those generated from ego or fear, create what are sometimes referred to as ‘soul ties’. A phrase often used is ‘the ties that bind’. These binding energies move deep into our energy body and require a deliberate and conscious focus to remove them.
For those who’ve unconsciously allowed these energies into their field, obsessive thoughts or feelings about a particular person or situation can result, albeit unidentified or unacknowledged. That’s not to say that all obsessive thoughts are a consequence of soul ties, but many are.
Expectations, codependence or a need for control are all culprits when it comes to establishing soul ties. In fact, all power struggles result in soul ties if clear verbal and actual boundaries aren’t expressed. We’re all susceptible!
Karen works with her Angels, including Archangel Michael, when severing energies, to ensure all are safe and protected. Only energies that are established through the ego are removed, freeing you to access the deepest recesses of your soul.
There are many meditations available online to assist with the removal of soul ties, but if you’ve tried these without success, this might be the session you never knew you needed.
[Karen] fills and tickles and plays with a part of my spirit, that is not touched so deeply by any other part of my life. And, I’m an equal partner in the play. ~ Deahn, Hackett